Inspired By They Said So!

There are many who did cool things using our Quotes API. We thought it will be good to bring some of them to your attention and give you ideas about how you can use our API to come up with your next cool idea.

Daily Finger Spell

@DailyFingrSpell : This is a twitter bot which takes our daily quote of the day and converts in to a Finger spelling diagram, that you can use to learn finger spelling. Check it out

Quote Tab

This is a chrome extension which displays awesome quote from They Said So when you open a new tab in your chrome browser.

Ruby Gem for our API

This is a Ruby Gem for connecting to They Said So quotes API.

nodejs Wrapper

This is a nodejs wrapper for They Said So Quotes API.

Pebble JS

Here is a tutorial for building an App for pebble and displaying a quote on the pebble watch face. We can't wait to see what other cool idea you are going to come up with using theysaidso API. If and when you do don't forget to inform us so that we can publish your idea here.
Custom images are online!
If you are in the side of majority...


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