Charles Bukowski - There is enough treachery, hatred violence absurdity in the averagehuman...


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treachery hatred violence absurdity averagehuman supply army dayand murder preach itand hate loveand war finally peacethose god godthose peace lovebeware preachersbeware knowersbeware reading booksbeware detest povertyor proud itbeware quick praisefor praise returnbeware censorthey afraid knowbeware seek constant crowds forthey alonebeware average man womanbeware love averageseeks averagebut genius hatredthere kill youto anybodynot wanting solitudenot understanding solitudethey attempt destroy anythingthat differs ownnot create artthey understand failure creatorsonly worldnot fullythey incompleteand youand perfectlike shining diamondlike knifelike mountainlike tigerlike hemlocktheir finest art

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