J. K. Rowling - We do not need magic to change the world, we...



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magic change world carry power inside imagine

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"A quote by J. K. Rowling" theysaidso.com, 2024. Apr 25, 2024. https://theysaidso.com/quote/jk-rowling-we-do-not-need-magic-to-change-the-world-we-carry-all-the-power-we-ne
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"A quote by J. K. Rowling" (n.d.). theysaidso.com. Retrieved Apr 25, 2024, from theysaidso.com web site : https://theysaidso.com/quote/jk-rowling-we-do-not-need-magic-to-change-the-world-we-carry-all-the-power-we-ne
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"A quote by J. K. Rowling". theysaidso.com, 2024. https://theysaidso.com/quote/jk-rowling-we-do-not-need-magic-to-change-the-world-we-carry-all-the-power-we-ne , accessed Apr 25, 2024.


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