Virginia Woolf - As summer neared, as the evening lengthened there came to...


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summer neared evening lengthened wakeful hopeful walking beach stirring pool imaginations strangest kind- flesh turned atoms drove wind stars flashing hearts outwardly scattered parts vision mirrors minds men pools uneasy water cloud forever shadows form dreams persisted impossible resist strange intimation gull flower tree man woman white earth declare questioned withdraw good triumph happiness prevails order rules extra ordinary stimulus range thither search absolute crystal intensity remote pleasures familiar virtues alien processes domestic life single hard bright diamond sand render possessor secure softened acquiescent spring bees humming gnats dancing threw veiled eyes averted head passing fights small rain knowledge sorrows mankind

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"A quote by Virginia Woolf", 2024. Apr 25, 2024.
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"A quote by Virginia Woolf"., 2024. , accessed Apr 25, 2024.


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