Inspiration API

Get Inspired... Daily!

Have you seen daily inpiration on your refrigrator or your smart mirror? Most likely our service powers that. Now you can also leverage our platform for your needs. Simple no nonsense subscription and super easy REST API for your integration. Each day you get a unique message to show it in your device/app/platform. Simple!

Multiple Types

We understand your customers are different and you need different categories to motivate them. Fear not we have done extensive market analysis and categorized our service to three categories that will fit most of your customer needs.

We currently support the following types of inpiration messages daily.

  • Activity
  • Call To Action
  • Saying

See below for examples for each type of messages.

Daily Inpiration
$ 9 .99 /MON
  • 1 API Key
  • 2000 API Calls / Day
  • No Contracts
  • Cancel Anytime
  • Super easy REST API

API End Points

The end point for connecting, if you subscribe directly from us use this endpoint. 


Currently we support API Key based authentication. Please set a request header for standard 'Bearer' token authentication with value of your API key. Alternatively you can also pass api_key= as a request parameter, though we strongly discourage this mode of passing the key.

Daily Activity Inspiration

To get daily activity inspiration please use the following endpoint. 

A successful call to this endpoint will produce a result like the following

  "success": {
    "total": 1
  "contents": {
    "id": "T5iVYPTynVdskkPPxCpRvweF",
    "inspiration": "Take a family cooking class",
    "type": "activity",
    "title": "Daily Inspiration - Activity",
    "date": "2023-04-13"
  "copyright": {
    "url": "",
    "year": "2023"

Daily Inspirational Saying

To get daily inspirational saying please use the following endpoint. 

A successful call to this endpoint will produce a result like the following

  "success": {
    "total": 1
  "contents": {
    "id": "EQRKFHF2yzhgWPgQzbyeYgeF",
    "inspiration": "Happiness is not a destination, it's a journey.",
    "type": "saying",
    "title": "Daily Inspiration - Saying",
    "date": "2023-04-13"
  "copyright": {
    "url": "",
    "year": "2023"

Daily Inspirational Call To Action

To get daily inspirational call to action please use the following endpoint. 

A successful call to this endpoint will produce a result like the following

  "success": {
    "total": 1
  "contents": {
    "id": "7suJoHAdA8Pzca4zgmajnweF",
    "inspiration": "Practice effective goal-setting and planning techniques",
    "type": "calltoaction",
    "title": "Daily Inspiration - Call To Action",
    "date": "2023-04-13"
  "copyright": {
    "url": "",
    "year": "2023"

Subscribe now and cancel anytime!
