Andrey Voznesensky Quotes

Andrey Voznesensky

Andrey Voznesensky (1933-2010) was a Russian poet who rose to prominence during the era of Soviet Union. He had been influenced by both the Russian orthodox tradition and by the popular culture of the west. He was considered one of the most important poets of his generation, and had been a favorite of both Yuri Gagarin and Nikita Khrushchev. Voznesensky wrote several books of poetry, which frequently explored the tension between the individual and the Soviet state in which he lived. He was a close friend of the poet Joseph Brodsky and the two shared a Nobel Prize nomination in 1970. His most famous works included the collections The Sabers, 1965, and The Upward Path, 1968. Voznesensky died in 2010 in Moscow.

Source: OpenAi


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