Dirk Cline - It was a classic battle out there today. There were...


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classic battle today lot close battles court lots long points great shots bit stronger bottom part lineup

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"A quote by Dirk Cline" theysaidso.com, 2024. Sep 01, 2024. https://theysaidso.com/quote/dirk-cline-it-was-a-classic-battle-out-there-today-there-were-a-lot-of-close-bat
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"A quote by Dirk Cline" (n.d.). theysaidso.com. Retrieved Sep 01, 2024, from theysaidso.com web site : https://theysaidso.com/quote/dirk-cline-it-was-a-classic-battle-out-there-today-there-were-a-lot-of-close-bat
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"A quote by Dirk Cline". theysaidso.com, 2024. https://theysaidso.com/quote/dirk-cline-it-was-a-classic-battle-out-there-today-there-were-a-lot-of-close-bat , accessed Sep 01, 2024.


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