Jack Kerouac - Powerful winds that crack the boughs of November! - and...


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powerful winds crack boughs november - bright calm sun untouched furies earth abandoning darkness wild forlornness night men shiver coats hurry home lights glowing desolate deeps stars high sparkling spiritual firmament walk windsweeps gloating envelopment seeking sudden grinning intelligence humanity abysmal beauties roaring midnight fury creaking hinges windows winder understanding drama enigmas double-depths sorrows grave joys human things elemental vastness windblown world

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"A quote by Jack Kerouac" theysaidso.com, 2024. Jun 25, 2024. https://theysaidso.com/quote/jack-kerouac-powerful-winds-that-crack-the-boughs-of-november-and-the-bright-cal
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"A quote by Jack Kerouac" (n.d.). theysaidso.com. Retrieved Jun 25, 2024, from theysaidso.com web site : https://theysaidso.com/quote/jack-kerouac-powerful-winds-that-crack-the-boughs-of-november-and-the-bright-cal
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"A quote by Jack Kerouac". theysaidso.com, 2024. https://theysaidso.com/quote/jack-kerouac-powerful-winds-that-crack-the-boughs-of-november-and-the-bright-cal , accessed Jun 25, 2024.


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