Pablo Neruda - With a chaste heart With pure eyes I celebrate your...


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chaste heart pure eyes celebrate beautyholding leash bloodso leap trace outline lie ode land forests surfin aromatic loam sea musicbeautiful nudeequally beautiful feetarched primeval tap wind soundyour ears small shellsof splendid american seayour breasts level plentitudefulfilled living lightyour flying eyelids wheatrevealing enclosingthe deep countries eyesthe line shoulders divided pale regionsloses blends compact halves apple continues separating beauty columns ofburnished goldfine alabasterto sink grapes feetwhere twin symmetrical tree burns risesflowering fireopen chandeliera swelling fruit pact earth materialsagate quartz wheat body baking bread signal silvered hills cleavage petal sweet fruits velvet remainedastonished fine firm feminine form light falls world spreading inside bodyyet suffocate itselfso clarity taking leave youas fire moon lives lining skin

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