Andrew Fisher Quotes

Andrew Fisher

Andrew Fisher was an Australian politician who served as Prime Minister of Australia in three separate terms from 1908–09, 1910–13 and 1914–15. He is best known as the founder of the Australian Labor Party and as the architect of many of the social and economic reforms that laid the foundation for modern Australia. He was born in the small mining village of Crosshouse, Scotland, the son of a miner, and at the age of seven immigrated to Australia. After service in the Australian Navy, he began working in the coal mines of Newcastle, New South Wales and eventually found his way into politics as a state Member of Parliament in New South Wales. Fisher also served in Edward Barton's first ministry and in 1904 won a seat in the federal Victorian Parliament. He worked for the passage of significant social and labor reforms and sought to improve the lives of Australian workers. In 1908, he joined Alfred Deakin's Protective Tariff League, which eventually resulted in the formation of the Australian Labor Party. Fisher's success in government was due in part to his political pragmatism and sturdy commitment to social justice. He stepped down from office in 1915 due to ill health, but he remained active in politics until his death in 1928.

Source: OpenAi


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