Stephen Evans Quotes

It is coming. A vast war. A war no citizen of any country can stop, except those who are supposed to represent citizens. It will be war to buttress the next few hundred years of nation-state politics; it is a defining moment in world history. <br/><br/>It has been boiling for millenia, simmering for the last few generations, and shall be a meal for the masses who have t.v. Or who experience causalities. <br/><br/>It is the only avenue left for peace. <br/><br/>Who is to say that a multi-nation state war based on economics, religion and politics is a bad thing? <br/><br/>It could lead to the destruction of those conditions that created such misery and death.<br/><br/>It could lead to humanity. <br/><br/>But then again, should humanity be a growing process? Are we still infantile?<br/><br/>Maybe every soldier who serves in the name of their country is a modern day Christ. Perhaps we have replaced Christ, an individual who sacrificed for the sake of humanity, for those individuals who fight for a nation-state. It is a degredation of ideals. <br/><br/>Perhaps people are too colored by their immediate culture and responsibilities to notice the suffering of humanity. <br/><br/>Perhaps they're not allowed to care. <br/><br/>Perhaps there's not enough time to make an effort to care.<br/><br/>But who needs wisdom or hope when war is the answer and motivation to peace. <br/><br/>Individuals have allowed their power to be consolidated into a handful of humans who manipulate perception for their own individual ends. <br/><br/>Is it those few who bear responsibility? Or is it just foolish to believe that one human can represent another? <br/><br/>Is the upcoming war good to find the solution for humanity or is it just another folly of a stupid species?<br/><br/>What is the solution? <br/><br/>What is the end to all this silliness?

Stephen Evans



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