Ayn Rand - The man who refuses to judge, who neither agrees nor...


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man refuses judge agrees disagrees declares absolutes believes escapes responsibility responsible blood spilled world reality absolute existence speck dust human life live die piece bread eat vanish looter' stomach sides issue side wrong middle evil retains respect truth accepting choice knave blanks order pretend values exist sit battle cash innocent crawl belly guilty dispenses justice condemning robber robbed jail solves conflicts ordering thinker fool meet halfway compromise food poison death win good profit transfusion drains feed transmitting rubber tube

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"A quote by Ayn Rand" theysaidso.com, 2024. Jun 26, 2024. https://theysaidso.com/quote/ayn-rand-the-man-who-refuses-to-judge-who-neither-agrees-nor-disagrees-who-decla
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"A quote by Ayn Rand" (n.d.). theysaidso.com. Retrieved Jun 26, 2024, from theysaidso.com web site : https://theysaidso.com/quote/ayn-rand-the-man-who-refuses-to-judge-who-neither-agrees-nor-disagrees-who-decla
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"A quote by Ayn Rand". theysaidso.com, 2024. https://theysaidso.com/quote/ayn-rand-the-man-who-refuses-to-judge-who-neither-agrees-nor-disagrees-who-decla , accessed Jun 26, 2024.


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