Duce Staley - [Four of the 13 Patriots on the injury list didn't...

[Four of the 13 Patriots on the injury list didn't make the trip to Pittsburgh and are definitely out of today's game. Cornerbacks Randall Gay and Tyrone Poole, and safety James Sanders will sit with ankle injuries, while receiver Andre' Davis remained home because of an injured foot. Linebacker Tully Banta-Cain (knee) practiced this week, even participating on special teams, and could play for the first time. Reserve tackle Brandon Gorin (thigh) hasn't played and didn't travel to Carolina a week ago, but made the trip here... Miller, who banged up his shoulder last week attempting to make a tackle, said he should be OK today. Adam Vinatieri is the emergency punter. He was the kicker and punter at South Dakota State. Vinatieri has two punts to his credit in the NFL, both pooch kicks... Steelers safety Troy Polamalu is tied for the league lead in sacks with three. The Steelers blitz often, with players coming from a variety of positions. The Patriots often keep a running back in to pick up blitzes, but tight ends are asked to monitor the blitz and, of course, quarterback Tom Brady and his receivers are charged with exploiting blitzes when they see them. ''They've had a bunch of secondary sacks here in these first couple of games,] Belichick said. ''Even if you blitz a lot out of the secondary, it's still only eight, 10 times a game. There's just not that many opportunities. Polamalu has hit them all... Staley told the paper. ''I don't know how much. I can't make that decision, but I'll go out and see where I'm at.

Duce Staley

[Four of the 13 Patriots on the injury list didn't make the trip to Pittsburgh and are definitely out of today's game. Cornerbacks Randall Gay and Tyrone Poole, and safety James Sanders will sit with ankle injuries, while receiver Andre' Davis remained home because of an injured foot. Linebacker Tully Banta-Cain (knee) practiced this week, even participating on special teams, and could play for the first time. Reserve tackle Brandon Gorin (thigh) hasn't played and didn't travel to Carolina a week ago, but made the trip here... Miller, who banged up his shoulder last week attempting to make a tackle, said he should be OK today. Adam Vinatieri is the emergency punter. He was the kicker and punter at South Dakota State. Vinatieri has two punts to his credit in the NFL, both pooch kicks... Steelers safety Troy Polamalu is tied for the league lead in sacks with three. The Steelers blitz often, with players coming from a variety of positions. The Patriots often keep a running back in to pick up blitzes, but tight ends are asked to monitor the blitz and, of course, quarterback Tom Brady and his receivers are charged with exploiting blitzes when they see them. ''They've had a bunch of secondary sacks here in these first couple of games,] Belichick said. ''Even if you blitz a lot out of the secondary, it's still only eight, 10 times a game. There's just not that many opportunities. Polamalu has hit them all... Staley told the paper. ''I don't know how much. I can't make that decision, but I'll go out and see where I'm at. Duce Staley

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[ patriots injury list make trip pittsburgh today' game cornerbacks randall gay tyrone poole safety james sanders sit ankle injuries receiver andre' davis remained home injured foot linebacker tully banta-cain knee practiced week participating special teams play time reserve tackle brandon gorin thigh played travel carolina ago made miller banged shoulder attempting today adam vinatieri emergency punter kicker south dakota state punts credit nfl pooch kicks steelers troy polamalu tied league lead sacks blitz players coming variety positions running back pick blitzes tight ends asked monitor quarterback tom brady receivers charged exploiting '' bunch secondary couple games ] belichick lot times opportunities hit staley told paper decision

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"A quote by Duce Staley" theysaidso.com, 2024. Jun 27, 2024. https://theysaidso.com/quote/duce-staley-four-of-the-13-patriots-on-the-injury-list-didnt-make-the-trip-to-pi
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"A quote by Duce Staley". theysaidso.com, 2024. https://theysaidso.com/quote/duce-staley-four-of-the-13-patriots-on-the-injury-list-didnt-make-the-trip-to-pi , accessed Jun 27, 2024.


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